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WarCraft III TFT

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Главная » Файлы » Карты » TD

Upadoro TD v0.97e
[ Скачать с сервера (1.35 Mb) ] 07.10.09, 20:18

Название карты: Upadoro TD
  • Автор карты: EpixBelongToMe
  • Жанр: Tower (Defense/TD/Maul/Wars)
  • Версия: 0.97e Для патча 1.24
  • Язык: Английский
  • Кол-во игроков: 1-8
  • Поддержка компьютера: нет
  • Размер: 128x128
  • Ландшафт: Icecrown

    Интересная и качественная TD карта для восьми игроков максимум. Восемь рас, более ста девяносто башен, (все башни с подробным описанием, атака, скорость атаки, дистанция), пятьдесят волн атакующих.
    Для обновлённого до 1.24 WC3TFT.

    Changelog с версии 0.96 добавленной на наш сайт 02-10-2008, по данную версию 0.97e:


    -Works with 1.24
    -Changed the mode and difficulty selection (spells in buildings, no dialog buttons)
    -More spells and spells of summoned units are autocasted now
    -Normal attacks now deal a little bit less damage against air units
    -Added new abilities for some prisoner waves
    -If you finished extreme mode and missed the bonus code it can now be reshown (type "-merccode")
    -Many smaller changes

    #Outland Alliance#
    -New Tower: Bloodelf Sorcerress (upgrades from Bloodelf Archer)
    -New Tower: Naga Bloodminion (upgrades from Naga Slave)
    -Reduced the aoe range of every tower a little bit
    -Automatic Recharger splitted in 2 upgrad level
    -UT&Quake don't have the shock totem anymore. But they can be upgraded to learn it
    #Special Towers#
    -Hydralisk level 3 has a new spell (it disappears while on cooldown. so don't wonder)

    #Bug Fixes#
    -The first autocast of a tower is now delayed to prevent some towers getting stuck in order conflicts


    -All bugs related to mobs getting stuck or running back should be fixed
    -Some code improvements and a few little memory leaks removed

    #WoW Race#
    -The gamemaster can build a blizzard hq now. It offers upgrades
    -Added a new tower to the troll hut to compensate a disadvantage against armored units
    -Added a new spell to temple guard and holy guardian


    -Lots of memory leaks fixed
    -A last minute trigger change screwed up waves with casted abilities and made the whole game stop -> should be fixed now
    -fixed the single player bug when not playing as red


    ---General Changes---
    -nichts reworked all gamemode and gamehandler triggers to Jass and combined them in a few triggers
    -Made the maze a bit shorter and little terrain changes
    -Added a new game difficulty: Extreme (see the difficulties for info)
    -Addes a 'range check' to every worker. It does now show the real range of tower but shows some circles with default ranges
    -Creeps that cast something don't do it by them self now so that they need to stop. It's now dummy casted
    -Reworked the bonus waves. You will maybe get fewer gold. But it's more balanced now.
    -Added some in-game hints for 'secret' stuff
    -Added a few possibilities to achieve bonus stuff:
    ->Winning very hard or extreme will give you a textcode to unlock 5 bonus waves
    ->Winning the extreme mode will give you a savecode for a new race
    ->Winning very hard or extreme with bonus waves enabled will give you a textcode for a bonus tower
    ->The codes can only be used in the first 5 minutes of a game!

    ---Race Changes---
    -Added a new race: The Nightelfs. They can only be randomed.
    -Added a new race: The Mercenaries. Win the extreme mode to achieve them.
    -Added more spells to autocast
    -Sapphiron now has a new spell 'frostbomb' (made by nichts)
    -Acolytes now directly collect gold
    -The army of the Lichking doesn't die anymore
    -Patchwerk's hateful strike was kinda broken and now works again
    -Molten Destroyer can now be upgraded to Golemagg
    -Added a new summon spell to Nefarian and Nefarius
    -Added the Chaos Warlord tower to the fel orc gateway.
    -Demon Crystal can now be upgraded to a Greater Demon Crystal
    -Fixed the build issue for Vor'tax and nightlord while Dalia is morphed
    -weakened the Stone Golem
    -Magnataur now has the multi shockwave to make him a bit more valuable
    -Reworked the Scorpion to Crystal Scorpion with 2 new spells

    ---Misc Stuff---
    -Added a spell to the Avatar Boss
    -Added a new column to the multiboard which shows the current wave of each player
    -All timers are now shown via the multiboard. The 'lumber timer' from 0.96 is now unused
    -Bug fixes
    -A lot of other small changes i can't remember

    Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб".

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