Thanks for all your help in tracking down, reproducing, and helping in what I needed to fix all of these bugs.
Patch Notes:
Generic Hero
-Fixed an issue that prevented stats and abilities from being recalced intimidately upon loading. While this was not a big issue, at first glance at your stats they may have seemed wrong until you did an action that refreshes the list.
-Explosive Arrows CD is now 6s (up from 5s)
-Multishot CD is now 7s (up from 6s)
-Frost Arrows CD is now 6s (up from 5s)
-Multishot base damage increased to 6 (up from 5) and coefficient of reduced to 25% (down from 30%)
-Fire Trap base damage reduced to 10 (down from 12) and coefficient of reduced to 65% (down from 70%)
-Frost Trap (talented) base damage reduced to 9 (down from 10) and coefficient of reduced to 55% (down from 60%)
-Poison Trap base damage reduced to 4 (down from 5) and coefficient of reduced to 15% [per tick] (down from 17%)
-Fixed a bug with Improved Fire Trap that would cause server splits / desyncs
-Increased threat gen bonus from Whirlslash by 15% (now 125%)
-Increased threat gen bonus from Shield Slam by 5% (now 125%)
-Increased Defensive Stance Passive threat bonus by 10% (now 140%)
-Increased threat gen bonus from Intimidating Shout by 15% (now 140%)
-Corrected the Defensive Stance tooltip to display that you generate extra threat while in this stance
-Fixed a bug that prevented the stat multiboard from displaying bonus stats from talents (E.G. Imp Def stance, Mitigation)
-Fixed an issue with Armored to the Teeth that prevented the damage from being applied
-Shield Slam base damage increased to 18 (up from 15) and coefficient increased to 90% (up from 85%)
-Intimidating Shout base damage increased to 18 (up from 13) and coefficient increased to 80% (up from 70%)
-Whirlslash base damage increased to 15 (up from 12) and coefficient increased to 75% (up from 65%)
-Corrected an error that caused Fireballs stun to last 3s
Interface Improvements
-Upon using the waypoint/teleport system, your hero will now be auto re-selected
-Upon loading a hero, the Fog system and Music system will be defaulted to OFF. You can re-enable them by typing -fog, -music, or using the game options in the actions menu
-Added all heroe icons to the side bar for better targeting for healers
-Redid Vormur Gardens outpost so the portal is inside the barricades and moved a few NPCs around for better placement of this new layout.
-Re-arranged the beginning of the catacombs to space packs 1, 2 and 3 apart more to make it a little more forgiving for pulling and fighting them.
-All the quests in the Vormur Gardens outpost are available by default. This corrects the issue with needing to kill the Broodmother to unlock the quests in a brand new game.
-Fixed an issue that allowed the Select Hero trigger (ESC button during hero select) from still firing if you loaded a char
-Fixed an issue that prevented my Selection Events cleanup trigger from firing if you loaded a hero
-Corrected a tooltip that still stated you needed to be level 8 to save (it's currently level 6 and still is in this version)
-Reworked some things in the Damage System that should correct those insanely large number text tags even though the actual damage being dealt is correct
-Save Hero cooldown is currently and will still be 1 min (this was added in B but got missed in the patch notes)
-Corrected an order of operations error that actually lowered the exp you got from Legendary or Hardcore mode.
-Reworked some logic and changed the way some things are checked with unit resetting to correct some odd bugs we would randomly see. It should be an improvement, may not be perfect yet.
-Corrected an issue related to the above statement that would force Catacombs groups to constantly reset when they died
-Corrected an issue that prevented the rules for 6-8 player scaling from working as intended. You will see an increase in difficulty with 6-8 players now the way it was intended.
-Broodmother hardmode has been added: Eggcellent! - Defeat the Broodmother without destroying any of her eggs for the entire fight. NOTE: When all 8 eggs are alive, each egg only spawns 2 adds per egg instead of 3 (16 vs 24 spiders)
-4 new epic items (2 necks and 2 rings) have been added to the Broodmother's loot table available through Hardmode only.
Normal mode kill = 50% chance of 1 epic
Legendary mode kill = 1 epic
Hardcore mode kill = 2 epics
-Fixed a bug that caused some items to have bigger bonuses than intended. When you load your char, any bugged items will now just have the proper bonuses.
-Corrected the Warrior's shield icon
-Healing Wards have been altered to the following:
Rank 1 wards now give an aura that heals all friendly units for 25 hp every 3s, lasts 15s
Rank 2 wards now give an aura that heals all friendly units for 40 hp every 3s, lasts 15s