Автор карты: Crimson Creations Жанр: RPG Версия: 3.0.4b920 от 27.11.10 Язык: Английский Кол-во игроков: 3-7 Поддержка компьютера: Нет Размер: 192x224 Ландшафт: Затонувший город Описание:
TKoK (сокращение от The Kingdom of Kaliron) - сетевая save/load RPG, разработанная для 4-7 игроков, наполненная революционными системами, которые дают новое представление об RPG на движке WarCraft III.
fixed timer leak with unit statuses -- this was the main bug in 910 fixed bug with unit reycling fixed bug with damage bonus and reduction watery grave tick bonus nerfed to 3% from 5% ice barrier now affected by 20% of spell power. but 12 hp per level from 15. not a buff. nerfed drain spirit mana/hp regen, now costs 20 mana, and lowered its bonus damage per tick from 12% to 10% dodge and crit elixirs buffed to 15% from 9.25% and aggro elixirs to 40% from 33%. fire and ice wing teleports now cost 500 gold per player per use new portals to naztar and karavnos at the end of the orc trials. price is 10,000 gold. consider them optional. increased gold drops from naga and AoT packs, and some bosses many minor bug fixes and balance adjustments If you didn't see yet, 910 added a bank. That means the top 2 rows of your equipment screen (10 items max) are saved in your save code, so you can store alternative gear. That's why save codes got longer. It also means the save codes cannot load in older versions before the bank.