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Главная » Файлы » Карты » AoS

Battle Tanks 8.66
[ Скачать с сервера (704.6 Kb) ] 21.11.09, 21:32
Автор карты: Exodus & Bob666
Жанр карты: AoS
Версия:8.66 от 14.11.2009
Язык: Английский
Количество игроков: 1-10
Поддержка компьютера: Имеется
Размер игровой зоны: 128х128
Ландшафт: Город

Обновлённая от 14 ноября 2009 года версия интересной и популярной AoS карты с отличной поддержкой AI. Для обновлённого до 1.24 WC3TFT.

v 8.66

* The Frost Robot has a new model and icon
* Added the 'Bounty Hunter' title to the victory stats
* Added a counter to the conquer bar (Control Points)
* Fixed the malfunctioning multi-page and market system for the yellow and light blue players
* Fixed a bug concerning the selection of a market (observers as well)
* Fixed a rare bug involving incorrect positioning of bought vehicles
* Fixed a rare bug concerning explosion animations
* Fixed a bug in -tmono mode concerning vehicles or leaving players
* Fixed a bug with Tower Modules (Tinker) placement
* Fixed a bug concerning Detector collision
* Fixed some buff tooltips
* You cannot place tower modules into enemied towers anymore
* Decoys (Mediavac) aren't created for destroyed buildings anymore
* Reduced the Acid Cloud's (Hunter) damage from 4% to 3% (of the maximal hitpoints)
* Reduced the teleport range of the Speed Pack and Teleporter item from 3500 to 3000
* Increased the mana costs to use the Speed Pack and Teleporter item from 25 to 30
* Frost-Aura (Frost Robot) is now named Arctic Aura, has a new icon and its range is slightly reduced
* Added a hotkey (Q) to the Destroy Towers (Tinker towers) ability
* Partially removed the text which was located in the experience bar
* Made two little changes concerning ingame texts and graphics
* Added BT related tips to Warcraft's 'Tips' menu
* Added a changelog in the Info menu
* Restricted hb mode to this version and removed the '5h' hcl command string for bots

Категория: AoS | Добавил: GeDfLy
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