Очень интересная карточка в двойной категории Tower Defense/Hero Team Survival, на которой соревнуются две команды West Castle и East Castle, кто дольше продержится под натиском наступающих монстров. Портал, в который собственно и должны пройти наступающие, находиться в центре вашего замка, за двумя воротами. Вокруг, по периметру, стоят четыре большие башни, на коих вам и вашим союзникам дана возможность строить свои оборонительные вышки. Места маловато, но в этом то и интерес. Прорвавшиеся монстры вынужденны ломать ворота, а у вас есть возможность укреплять их и ремонтировать. Очень интересно исполнена возможность управления камерой. Вообще на этой карте много разного рода приятных мелочей, доставляющих большое удовольствие во время игры. И хотя карта рассчитана на игру двух команд 4х4, в неё вполне и с интересом можно сыграть и одному.
Uploaded: 17:03, 18th Aug 2008 Last Updated: 11:57, 26th Oct 2008 Keywords: Tower Defense, TD, Suto, Castle, Team, Survival, Race, Multiple Wave Type: Defense / Survival, Tower (Defense / TD / Maul / Wars) Category: Medieval / Warcraft Map Size: 127x96 Playable Map Size: 127x76 Suggested Players: 1 - 8 Tileset: Cityscape
Welcome to
Suto's Castle TD
A nicely designed team surivival tower defense with lots of different creep abilities. It features Leaders which can actually level up from the kills of your towers and learn abilities, interesting and interactive boss battles as well as a special "Multiple Wave Race Mode", its not the easiest tower defense out there but it sure is beatable on all 4 difficulties. There are a lot more features implanted like income, bounty sharing, tower upgrades, unique towers, special traps, castle gates and so on.
This map is protected. _____________________________ Changelog V1.01:
Bugs: Cooldown for champions fixed, you can now challenge a champion every 5 seconds. Multiple Wave Race: Last boss will spawn now. Spawning Round 51 bug fixed. Teleporting units (Round 9, Crypt Lord) are able to teleport through a closed castle gate now. Illusions in round 21 will not drain lifes any more. Rounds after bosses now always spawn 4 seconds after the last boss died, or after a maximum time. Might will not be autocasted on magic towers any longer.
Balacing: Champions now cost only 500 gold. Let's Rock: Rounds now spawn only 20 instead of 25 creeps. Kamikaze Copters are easier now. Last boss has more hitpoints but moves significantly slower. The Crypt Lord has a new ability. The Defender of the Empire has a new ability. Healing Wards (Round 6) are stronger now but attackable. Doomed only affects units of the same player, not all Mountain Giants in range. Healers heal slightly more now. Ballistas Critical Strike average damage reduced. Roaster Trap reduces the enemies armor now by 15 instead of 25. Shredder Tower Chance to gain reputation increased. Assassin bonus now reduces the traps chance to be discovered by 90%. Merchants Bribe mana cost reduced. Teleport Tower now has a real instant kill chance. Traps chance to be discovered was increased. Tower bonus now only works on every players main (biggest) tower.
Misc: If one castle looses the other one can continue playing and will not automatically win the game. Champion levels can now be checked by selecting the challenged champion. Dark Summoners Minions now have a jump ability to fly over short distances. Removed the old Bounty Hunter tower. New tower: Headhunter (Special: High Damage). New possible Headhunter upgrades: - Bounty Hunter (Special: Berserk). - Trapper (Special: Ensnare). All towers will face the direction of their target when attacking. Optimized various abilities. Added Hotkeys to the difficulty and game mode selection.